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Culture, Climate Science & Education
Lab Three
Use the Tribal Climate Tool and Climate Central's Interactive Graphics to Assess Your Area's Climate Trends and Risks
In this lab you will use a handful of interactive tools and graphics to examine and analyze the risks and trends for a tribe that you choose and your state. Then you will write a summary report on that tribe's climate future and a summary climate assessment for your state. Both reports should be written so they can be used by the public and decision makers to better understand what climate change means to the people of that tribe and your state.
Climate Central is an independent, not-for-profit organization that seeks to bridge the scientific community and the public by providing clear information to help people make sound decisions about the climate.
Step 1: Go to the Tribal Climate Tool Website.
Important Note: This tool focuses on Northwest tribes, though it includes some Plateau and Southwest area tribes.
Prepare a report for the tribe you selected that describes that tribe's climate future:
Note: Not all risks are applicable to every Tribe.
Your report must include:
Across the country, many of us are experiencing climate changes — summers are hotter, storms are hitting harder, wildfires are burning longer, and extreme weather is increasing. When these events strike, they have a profound and detrimental impact on our economy and our daily lives.
States at Risk is a project aimed at showing how Americans in all 50 states are experiencing the impacts of climate change. Our work focuses on five threats — extreme heat, drought, wildfires, coastal flooding and inland flooding — and the states most affected by these threats.
In 2015 States at Risk evaluated how prepared each of the 50 states are for their current and future climate threats in its Preparedness Report Card.
The screenshot at right shows the page for the state of Washington.   

Step 1: Go to the States-At-Risk web tool.
Important Note: The top risks will be different for each state. For example, for Montana the website does not include data on inland flooding or coastal flooding because they are not considered top climate-change risks to the state.
Prepare a report for your state that examines the risk of:
Note: Not all risks are applicable to every state.
Your report must include:
You need the latest version of the free Adobe Flash Player for this lab.
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